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Hardware - From $12

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Hammock Hanging Hardware
Hardware Type:
Straps Set (+$17) Metal Set
Hardware - Descriptions

Metal Hanging Hardware

This hardware package consists of:
-- two heavy duty hammock hooks that can
    be screwed into wood (deck posts,
    trees, etc.)
-- two foot-long chains with attached
    S-hooks, to adjust hanging distance and

Ratchet Tie Down Straps - Set

By using ratchet straps around trees, you can avoid having to screw hammock hooks into the trees, which could potentially harm the trees. You will also be able to better adjust height and tension of your hammock.
-- Straps 1" by 15 feet; colour may vary.
-- Working Load Limit: 1000 lbs, Breaking
    Strength 3000 lbs.

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